色彩の魔術師ハードカバー英語著著色彩と造形の調和を感じる稀有な建築家ですまるでバウハウスの色面構成から抜け出たような建物ばかりですカバーにスレがありますが目立つ傷もダメージもあ 利用者が同じ預金支払操作を頻繁に行う場合、銀行は操作プロセスを簡素化するために自動支払機能を提供する場合があります。
色彩の魔術師 「Ricardo Legorreta, Architect 」ハードカバー /英語/John Mutlow (著), Ricardo Legoretta (著)
Ricardo Legorreta is the most renowned architect working in Mexico today. His signature use of brilliant saturated reds, purples, and yellows, thick-textured walls of stucco and plaster, and mysterious, light-filled spaces has earned him a devoted following and a distinguished international reputation. Legorreta's highly personal aesthetic combines a deep appreciation of traditional Mexican architectural elements and culture with a thoroughly modern sense of design that reflects his early training with the Mexican master Luis Barragán.
This long-awaited monograph showcases 25 of the architect's most recent and celebrated projects in Mexico, Texas, and California, with stunning color photography throughout and special focus on nine private houses.
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